What is Reformer Pilates?

What is Reformer Pilates... Is it Actually the Best Workout for You?

If you love to workout but traditional gyms often make you feel uncomfortable right when you walk in the doors – you’re not alone. Whether it’s the intense workouts around you or the lack of community, they’re often very unwelcoming.


The good news? Not all fitness centers have to feel that way. Today we’re talking about…


Reformer Pilates.


Reformer Pilates is one of our top fitness classes available at Sultivate, a Reformer Pilates Studio. That’s why today we’re digging deep into:


What Reformer Pilates is.

Who Reformer Pilates is for. 

Why Reformer Pilates is an effective alternative to a traditional gym.


Whether you’re looking to increase your strength and functional movements, get your cardio on, or simply stretch and relax – Reformer Pilates may be just what you’re looking for.


Let’s start with the basics…


What is Reformer Pilates?


You’ve likely heard of Pilates. It is, after all, an exercise program that’s been around since the 1920’s.¹ 

But if you’re new to the Pilates scene – Pilates was created by Joseph Pilates as an exercise technique that uses fluid movement to strengthen and stretch your muscles. Especially your deep core muscles.


So what makes Reformer Pilates different?


Reformer Pilates uses a special piece of equipment to do the same exercises you would do in Mat Pilates… but with:

  • less or more stability
  • more variations
  • deeper stretches
  • more or less resistance

This piece of equipment is called… a Pilates Reformer.


What Is A Pilates Reformer?


The Pilates Reformer is a padded platform – called a carriage – that rolls on wheels within a frame. It can be fully customized to different heights and fitness levels.


The carriage hooks up to the frame via springs. You can make the springs heavier, for more resistance, and lighter for less.

There are shoulder blocks at one end of the carriage and a footbar at the end with the springs. This configuration allows for lots of different types of exercises and modifications.


Since a photo can be worth a thousand words… this is what reformers look like

Pilates Reformer

The best way to start using a Reformer is at a Reformer Pilates Studio – getting customized instruction on how to set it up: for your height, fitness level, and ability level. As well as instruction on how to safely exercise on it.


While a Pilates Reformer may sound like a complex piece of equipment to learn – you might be surprised about how easy it is to use once you get the hang of it.


If you’re wondering whether Reformer Pilates is for you…


Is Reformer Pilates Hard?


Reformer Pilates is suitable for all fitness levels and ability levels. It’s a workout everyone can do. As long as you find the right Reformer Pilates Studio you’ll have no trouble getting into the swing of a Reformer Pilates Class.


Because the Reformer is so customizable you can make the workout harder or easier with more or less resistance and modifications to suit your body and fitness level.


Add to that the fact you have to worry less about your coordination plus you have an instructor to correct your movements and you’ll have very little to worry about.


Just register and show up for the class and let your instructor know you’re new to the Reformer. They’ll make sure you’re comfortable and confident on your Reformer in no time.


At Sultivate, we teach all our classes in progression. This means the instructor teaches the exercise at the base level. Then gives exercise modifications to make it easier or harder.


Whether you’re just starting out, have an injury, crave a very hard workout, or want to take it easy – Reformer Pilates gives you fitness freedom.


There are many other benefits to the Reformer as well…


Reformer Pilates Benefits that Change Your Life.


Some of the benefits we’ve already discussed are the highly customizable Reformer machine and its suitability for all experience and fitness levels.


Now let’s go in-depth about some of the other Reformer Pilates benefits – and how they can change your life.

1. Reformer Pilates builds strength.


The Pilates Reformer targets all your muscles. From big to small. Let’s talk about those small muscles for a sec…


Your core stabilizing muscles are incredibly important. They support every movement you make. Your body is a chain of muscles, each one affecting the next. Physical Therapists call it the Kinetic (movement) chain.


When you workout on a Pilates Reformer all of your core muscles are activated.


The moving platform combined with your stabilization with the shoulder blocks, foot bar, armbands, or whatever extra reformer tools you’re using (more on that in another post), get your core firing on all cylinders.


Curious about what body parts are directly supported by your core? Let’s start with your:

  • Head
  • Neck
  • Back
  • Shoulders

If you have any injuries in these parts of your body it’s very important to have a strong core.

reformer pilates benefits

Having a strong core can also directly prevent injuries in these body parts. Which in turn prevents injuries further down your kinetic chain… in your arms, hands, legs, and feet.


Reformer Pilates is also a form of strength training. Resistance from the bands builds all your larger muscles too. As a direct result, your bones are strengthened.²


But Reformer Pilates doesn’t just focus on your muscle and skeletal strength.


2. Increase your flexibility


Reformer Pilates increases your muscle flexibility as well. There are a ton of benefits to combining building muscles with flexibility.


When you only focus on building muscle and not flexibility, you’re not building strength thru your full range of motion. This can cause muscle weakness, muscle imbalances, and even injuries in the future.


That’s where we come in… Reformer Pilates allows you to get a deep stretch as you add resistance to your muscles. Because your body weight works against the reformer springs and the moving carriage – you get the muscle building alongside the muscle lengthening.


This.is.a.game.changer for effective strength training as it’s a natural side product of Reformer Pilates and not something you have to carefully build into your strength training routine.


Both strength and flexibility play into our next topic.


3. Increase your Functional Movements


It’s great to be strong and flexible… and it’s easy to see how they can positively affect your life. But there are some deeper benefits to Reformer Pilates as well.

  • Improved posture: working on minute postural changes is easier when you’re lying down with the support of the Reformer. These changes you make on the reformer carry into your everyday life. You’ll be walking taller in no time – with less aches and pains at the end of the day.
  • Better balance: Reformer Pilates has actually been proven to reduce falls and fall-related injuries.⁴ Building this balance foundation can help you maintain your independence a lot longer as you age.
  • Increased fitness: and I’m not just talking about strength… Reformer Pilates can also impact your cardio fitness, giving you better stamina. No more huffing and puffing when you go for that short hike.
  • Modify it to your needs: choose the progression option that fits your body, your injuries, and your goals. No one-size-fits-all workouts for you.
  • Weight loss: whether this is a goal or a natural side effect, Reformer Pilates can be a gentle way to start a weight loss journey as a lot of exercises on the Reformer are non-weight bearing.
  • Boost your mood: as with all exercise – those feel-good endorphins running through your body will make you feel great when you finish up a class.

Honestly, we could go on and on about the benefits of Reformer Pilates. Some of it depends on what Reformer Pilates Studio you go to and which classes you take.


All these benefits come together to make your life better.


Keep up with your kids/grandkids while they play.

Carry your groceries in from the car in fewer trips.

Confidently walk across uneven footing without falling. 

Reach that heavy top-shelf item without straining a muscle. 


The beauty of Reformer Pilates is you often don’t even realize how much strength and confidence you’re building in your everyday movements. Until you realize how much easier you’re moving through life.


So the question you need to answer for yourself is…

Is Reformer Pilates Worth it to You?


Reformer Pilates is a great workout for any age, ability, and fitness level. Whether you’re a die-hard gym fanatic… or looking for a gentle way to ease into exercise, Reformer Pilates may be for you.


You don’t need a traditional gym to get all the exercise benefits you want and need. In fact, a Reformer Pilates Class is a great way to add extra benefits your normal routine may be missing.

Want to give it a try? Check out our three Reformer Pilates Classes and see which one of them is the missing piece in your life!




¹ What is Reformer Pilates – Everyday Health

² Effects of Clinical Pilates Exercises on BMD – National Library of Medicine

³ Antagonistic Muscles – Study. com

Effects of Pilates Exercise Training – Science Direct